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Growth Fund

Biotechnologies Offer Promising Solutions

advancing effective, efficient, ethical biotech solutions to climate resilience.

Biotechnologies are revolutionizing healthcare, energy, food, and fashion - driven by bold ideas, like curing cancer and halting pandemics. How do we channel this bold thinking towards natural climate solutions? That's where we come in.

Our living systems need a boost.

We have accelerated the pace of climate change so radically that nature cannot keep up. Biodiversity loss is increasing exponentially and biological carbon sequestration is at risk. Traditional tools to mitigate climate impacts on biodiversity loss are effective but insufficient.  It is possible to support ecological resilience in the face of warming and help reduce the magnitude of that warming - through biotechnologies, which hold potentially profound capacity to increase climate resilience and  reduce biodiversity loss. 


Advanced biological sciences can accelerate climate resilience and conservation goals. 


Lab to Land harnesses advanced biological sciences in service of the most pressing ecological threats - from sequencing to engineering. These tools can reduce catastrophic fire risk; remediate contamination in essential watersheds; rapidly respond  to novel pathogens and novel competition; enhance carbon retention despite drought and climate migration; replace harmful chemicals used to manage wildlands and coastal ecologies, and more. 


This won’t happen without help. 


The bioeconomy will not deliver on it’s climate promise organically. Despite the inevitability of these technologies’ emergence, there is no clear path toward their implementation for practical nature-based climate solutions. Regulation has failed to catch up with the pace and scale of warming. Bioethical and governance structures are missing. Communities and land stewards have not been effectively engaged. And basic research needs to be dramatically accelerated. By 2030, the global bioeconomy may reach $3.4T. Today, less than 2% of biotech funding has any clear tie to climate resilience. Lab to Land is shifting that balance. 

Living-systems need a trusted champion between Lab and Land.

We're proud to partner with the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative as we raise a growth fund to expand our work.

Living systems need more, and better, science.
We believe that is possible. 

Lab to Land Institute was established to  unlock biotechnology’s potential for climate resilience. We are both a ‘think’ tank and ‘do’ tank:  Built to prioritize applied opportunities for climate impact and to de-risk and advance solutions into demonstration.


Convenings deliver precise, prioritized pathways to applied climate impact  - and ensure the stakeholders necessary to move from ‘idea’ to ‘impact’ are at the table from day one. 


Snapshot of what’s underway today: 

Bioregional Working Groups: We  build bioregion-specific working groups -  because nature based solutions require place-based approaches. 

  • Arid Western fire-prone lands

  • California Coastal Ecologies


Solution-Specific Virtual Lab Meetings: technical working groups to move ideas from concept to research, and lab to field. 

Nature Biotech Council with the Aspen Institute: high-profile, multidisciplinary body to guide priorities and shift overton window.


Research delivers demonstrable scientific advancements alongside clear ethical, governance, regulatory and public impact guardrails. 


Snapshot of what’s underway today: 

Postdoctoral fellowships: Fellowship cohorts for in-lab - and in-field - studies prioritizing fellows from the bioregions we serve. 

  • Indigenous Futures Fellowship

  • Innovative Genomics  Fire-Soil Fellow


Nature Biotech Priority Lists: To guide capital, to connect researchers to critical problems, to structure collaborations and partnerships across researchers, institutions, land stewards, and industry. 

  • California priority list + ethical decision model, pub. May 2024


We quarterback solutions into early stage demonstration and field trials - this derisks policy change and prepares effective solutions for scale. 


Snapshot of what’s underway today:

Industry-Agency-Laboratory Colabs

  • Mitigating PFA harm in firefighting


Field test facilitation

  • Transparent mass-spec analysis. 

  • USFS field test facilitation/fast-track


Early adopter development 

  • Land Steward Alliance

We are now aggressively pursuing a growth fund to build on momentum and accelerate action. 


With $500k, we will run the California priorities to the ground and demonstrate viable solutions to critical climate resilience challenges within two years. 



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